Christina and Barry are one of the most genuine couples you will ever meet. They are strong in faith and have smiles that are so contagious, you can't help but feel their warmth! We consider ourselves especially lucky to call the two of them friends and were SOOO excited when Christina mentioned snowy maternity photos!! Watching her & Barry prepare for their baby boy (who is due to arrive in just a few short weeks!) has been such a joy! Christina is a photographer/artist and, together with the help of her handsome husband, they've designed one of the most stylish little nurseries yet! But most importantly, they're bursting with excitement to meet their little one and love on him non-stop. :) We were blessed with the most beautiful winter afternoon and had a laughter-filled time troopsing through waist-high snow together! Christina & Barry, thank you for creating these images with us!! We left your session with happy hearts and couldn't be more excited to see you grow your family!

xoxo | Kelsy & Butch

 All images captured on film with Contax 645 or Hassleblad 500cm on Portra 160, 400, or Tri-X 400.
